Current issues
This page features the latest news and press releases from the organisations that maintain the website.
Government continues to combat the shadow economy and economic crime
Press release
19.12.2024 14.58
National NPO sector assessment highlights risk-based approach
Press release
23.10.2024 10.36
Proposal to improve authorities’ electronic access to information on account transactions sent out for comments
Press release
10.10.2024 14.19
Legislative amendments to enhance exchange of information in prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
Press release
10.10.2024 14.04
Good results achieved in the combat against grey economy and economic crime in 2020–2023
Press release
21.5.2024 10.14
Finland updates risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing
Press release
8.2.2024 14.01
IMF published a report on anti-money laundering in Finland
11.1.2024 12.07
A national information system would improve access to information on politically exposed persons
Press release
2.1.2024 13.12
Finland improves prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing – enhanced follow-up process to end
Press release
24.10.2023 11.02
FIN-FSA published AML supervision strategy - effectiveness of sanctions monitoring to be improved by legislative reform
News item
19.4.2023 15.53
The National Police Board has published instructions on preventing money laundering for the agents of Veikkaus Oy
News item
28.2.2023 14.27
Finland continues to strengthen its framework for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing – remains in enhanced follow-up process
News item
4.10.2022 11.50
Gambling supervisor’s new risk assessment published
News item
23.6.2022 11.50
The Financial Action Task Force adopted a ministerial declaration on the future direction of the organisation
Press release
22.4.2022 9.27
Financial Action Task Force to gather for spring meeting
Press release
21.4.2022 15.12
Amendment to the Directive on access to financial information would enhance international financial investigations
Press release
28.10.2021 13.31
National implementation of EU Directive on access to financial information proceeds to Parliament
Press release
7.10.2021 13.51
Finland supports harmonisation of EU anti-money laundering legislation
Press release
9.9.2021 13.59
Informal video conference of economic and financial affairs ministers discusses anti-money laundering legislative package and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Facility
Press release
23.7.2021 12.58
Study finds connection between corruption and money laundering in Nordic countries
Press release
7.6.2021 15.30
New EU Regulation enhances controls on cash at the borders
News item
18.5.2021 10.43
Highest risk sectors are money remittances and provision of virtual currencies
Press release
29.4.2021 14.03
Money laundering supervision register improves oversight
News item
16.2.2021 8.53