About the moneylaundering.fi web service
The moneylaundering.fi web service was introduced in December 2020.
The address of the moneylaundering.fi web service is moneylaundering.fi. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the service, and it is maintained by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Interior, the Finnish Bar Association, the Border Guard, Finnish Customs, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Tax Administration, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The web service is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
The front page provides news about the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. It also highlights topical themes related to the prevention of money laundering.
The ‘Current issues’ section features press releases and more detailed articles on money laundering and the fight against terrorist financing. This section also provides answers to frequently asked questions on the topic.
The ‘Background’ section presents the phenomena of money laundering and terrorist financing.
The ‘Preventive measures’ section contains information on the roles of various stakeholders, legislation, financial sanctions and freezing of funds, along with international cooperation to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
The ‘Do the right thing’ section offers guidelines for obliged entities, customers, travellers and businesses. It also explains how to report suspicious transactions or suspected terrorist financing.
The ‘Contact information’ section provides the contact details of all organisations involved in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
The search function, contact information, feedback form and site map can be accessed from all pages.
The search function can be accessed via the website header.
By default, searches target the entire content of the site. The quick search function returns pages that include all of your search terms in the given language. The Boolean operator ‘AND’ is automatically added between the search words. You can also search using partial words.
If you have any questions or wish to submit feedback about the moneylaundering.fi web service, please use this form. Remember to provide your contact information (email address) on the form. Otherwise, we will not be able to respond. Our preferred channel of communications is email.
Web browsers and terminal devices
The website uses responsive design, meaning that the content adapts to the device being used. The pages display best using the latest version of your browser. The website can also be viewed using earlier versions, but in this case you may not be able to use all of the features available.
File downloads and reader applications
To read PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader program, which you can download free of charge.
To read ePUB files, you need a reader application supported by your device.
Terms of Use
Please read the Terms of Use carefully. By using the page, you agree to the Terms of Use in their entirety.
The rights to the text or image material published on the moneylaundering.fi website belong to the authorities and organisations responsible for maintaining the site or to another information producer referred to in connection with the material.
All text material can be used and linked to freely and in proper context, provided that reference is made to the original source. Any use of text material for commercial purposes requires prior agreement with the Ministry of Finance.
Photographs and related terms of use
All rights to the photographs in the moneylaundering.fi web service belong to the authorities and organisations responsible for the site. The photographs may not be used in other contexts.
Legal notice
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for this website.
Every effort is made to ensure that the information on the website is up-to-date and accurate. The Ministry of Finance is not responsible for any expenses or damage incurred by the user due to possible errors on the site, nor is the Ministry responsible for any harm that is due to technical problems or to material published by external parties and linked to the website.
Linked pages are subject to their respective terms of use. The Ministry of Finance is not responsible for the updating or publishing of information on these third-party websites or for ensuring the accuracy of this information. Where our site contains links to other sites, that does not mean that the Ministry of Finance has or has had any responsibility for the functioning of those sites or any products or services provided through them.
The Ministry of Finance has the right to monitor and mediate the content of texts in parts of the website where users post or transfer messages, but it is under no obligation to do so. The Ministry of Finance is not responsible for the content of such messages, regardless of whether their content is subject to the legislation on copyright, defamation or privacy protection or any other laws. At its discretion, the Ministry of Finance can remove from the website any user-generated material that it considers inappropriate.
The Ministry of Finance does not pay compensation for the use of this website or for any information that users may provide through it. Users grant the Ministry of Finance unrestricted, global rights, free of any charge, to use and edit any such materials.
The Ministry of Finance cannot guarantee the confidentiality of messages sent through an open information network. Users should avoid sending confidential information via email.
The material on the website should not be regarded as an offer, request or commitment binding on the Ministry of Finance.
The Ministry of Finance reserves the right to update, review or change its Terms of Use and the content and layout of the website. Users are advised to check the Terms of Use in force on this page from time to time. The Ministry of Finance has the right, any time and without specifying a reason, to suspend the provision of this website, for example during maintenance, repairs or updates.
Users undertake to compensate the injured party in full for any damage arising from the breach of these Terms of Use.
If any part of these Terms of Use is found to be in violation of an unconditional legal provision or is otherwise unenforceable, this part will not affect the validity of any other section of the Terms of Use.
Finnish law shall apply to these terms of use and their interpretation, aside from cases in which there is a conflict between the legal provisions in question.
Processing of personal data
The Ministry of Finance processes personal data in the same manner as data collected on the users of the vm.fi website. Read more about the processing of personal data and data protection:
Data protection (Ministry of Finance)
Social media extensions
The website includes links and connections to third parties’ websites. This website will not send information on its users through social media extensions.
Third party services and applications provided by them are subject to their respective terms of use and other conditions.
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Some of the cookies used on the moneylaundering.fi website are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. Necessary cookies ensure the technical functioning of the website and are not used for other purposes. The website always uses a secure connection (https).
The website also features visitor tracking and analytics cookies (non-essential) which the Ministry of Finance uses to collect visitor statistics and analyse visitor data, and for website and content development. We hope that you will also accept non-essential cookies. The data collected will not be used for marketing purposes, nor will visitor tracking data be disclosed outside the Government. Only ministries can use visitor tracking data from each other’s websites in order to develop their online communication.
Cookies may also be stored on your browser by third parties, whose services are shown on our website as embedded content (social media embedding).
Necessary cookies
A publishing system (Liferay) cookie that stores information on whether or not users have enabled cookies in their browser settings. Valid for one year.
A publishing system cookie that stores information on users’ language preferences and preserves it for their next visit to the website. Valid for one year.
A publishing system cookie used to track visitor movement from page to page and to indicate that the visitors is actively using the website. It also indicates the number of visitors on the website at any given time. Expires when the browsing session ends.
A publishing system cookie that stores a timestamp for the user’s visit and gives a warning if the session is about to expire. Valid for one year.
Server environment cookies that improve the user experience by balancing server loads and ensuring that the user’s session can continue. The second cookie ensures that the website can function with the latest browser versions. Valid for one week.
A cookie set by Valtori that stores information on whether or not the user has accepted cookies in their browser (cookie banner). Valid for one year.
Visitor tracking and analytics cookies
If the visitor has accepted the use of visitor tracking and quality control cookies (non-essential), the website’s visitor tracking collects general data on the use of the website that are used for website development and quality control.
This includes:
- the page from which the visitor accessed the website
- pages viewed
- timestamp of page downloads
- web browser and operating system, and
- the visitor’s internet service provider.
Website visitor tracking
Visitor tracking is not used to identify individual persons, nor are visitors’ IP addresses stored in their entirety. However, the visitor’s IP address is used to determine the organisation to which the IP address in question is registered, and to determine the visitor’s geographic location. Location information is indicative: accuracy is good at the country level and moderate at the regional and city level.
This cookie registers a unique identifier for the user. Valid for two years.
A cookie that stores information about the visit until the user leaves the site. Valid for the duration of the session.
A cookie that combines information about visits if the user returns to the website within half an hour after leaving. Valid for 30 minutes.
Quality control
We use the Siteimprove service to monitor the accessibility, usability and quality of the moneylaundering.fi website, e.g. to ensure the functionality of links. Based on this information, the Ministry of Finance makes website improvements related to accessibility and usability.
The service anonymises IP addresses automatically and the collected data cannot be associated with individual persons.
Siteimprove does not disclose data to third parties, nor can third parties make use of the cookies or information that can be associated with them.
A Siteimprove service cookie that stores information on the use of the website. Valid for 1000 days.
Disabling cookies
The moneylaundering.fi website uses a cookie banner. When visiting a website, you can accept the use of non-essential cookies and plug-ins.
If you choose to disable cookies, no non-essential cookies or plug-ins will be installed.
To change your cookie preferences, click on the link below. You will now see the cookie banner again.
Managing cookies
Instructions on managing cookies of the most common browsers and applications:
Mobile devices
Technical log data on the website and telecommunications connections
Technical log data is collected on the use of the website and the telecommunications connections used to access it. This data is necessary for the provision of the online service and for ensuring information security. The log data includes data that may be associated with a person, such as their IP address and timestamp. This log data is used only to enable the provision of the service via the telecommunications network and to investigate any disruptions and information security incidents.
The processing of personal data in the context of online service provision and ensuring information security is necessary to allow the Ministry of Finance to comply with its legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation.
The contracting partner of Valtori, the service provider of the publishing platform, uses one per cent of the log data on site visits from the content distribution network to develop its service. For this purpose, the data is transferred to the United States based on standard contractual clauses on the transfer of personal data adopted by the European Commission. Valtori is preparing a change that will enable the log data from the content distribution network to remain in the EU as of autumn 2021.
Read more about the processing of personal data in the Ministry of Finance
Further information on the website is available from the Ministry of Finance. Please contact Media and Communications Unit at viestinta.vm(at)gov.fi
Ministry of Finance
Snellmaninkatu 1 A, Helsinki
PO Box 28, FI-00023 Government Finland
Telephone +358 295 16001